Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Here it is June fourth and I am clad in down and a ski-cap. It is like 48º outside. 

It reminds me why I left California fourteen years ago. This state could indeed screw up a wet dream. I had no idea, 'they', in their assumed righteousness, could manage to fuck up the weather. But they have. I cannot, for the life of me, remember ever once donning a coat, or even a sweater, in Ohio, in June. If there is a God, here, He is indeed making the brain-dead pay.

Today is election day in California and the state has given the vote to more foreigners than politicians have alibis and bankers and car manufacturers have scapegoats. These people (those whom have mastered the language but not the nuance) are still trading dirty old quarters for shiny new dimes. 

American politicians have become the world's ultimate three-card monte-fast-talking-street entrepreneurs plaguing every American tourist mecca from Hollywood Boulevard to the Jersey Boardwalk-and now, with the influx of foreigners, from Beijing to Briton, the U.S. has become the carrot for everyone of Barnum's 'suckers.'   

Currently, in San Jose, local residents surrounding Guadalupe Parkway, a refuge for local homeless, are lobbying the city council to destroy homeless "assets" ensuring they either stay in jail or are forced to move on. So much for a Christian nation. California wants you to protect their right to legal marijuana and toss the ones who can't afford the price of a joint into the pit. "Peace, brother." If I was not a lightening rod for such indiscretions, I may be one of the idiots holding vigil to destroy everything that is not me. 

We have two age-old adages we embrace, "safety in numbers" and "mob rule." Antithetical by nature, they explain the realistic-irony of the cornered rat. How ignorant the sheep, but how credible the shepherd. 

With a jaundiced eye, I see a thousand perfect worlds as presented by the least arguments to be considered. Why ninety-nine percent of us are not muttering "bullshit" under our breaths in response to anyone who proposes the "perfect solution" is indeed beyond me.

Even at fifty-eight-years-old I have yet to abandon the inherent Quixotic nature that brought me here. Compliance is not an option when responsibilities lie beyond the scope of personal well-being. 

Let us finally create a worthwhile national holiday when we celebrate the whistle-blowers and show the ultimate respect for the first person who stood to declare, "The emperor has no clothes."   

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